Plastic Surgery Prices
Our prices for cosmetic surgery reflect the 29 years of care and experience of our Mayo Clinic-trained plastic surgeon, Dr. Sheldon Lincenberg. We’ve developed price range estimates to give our potential clients a lower range and upper range of actual costs. The actual costs will be determined after we understand your individual needs and wants for the procedure.
We understand plastic surgery is an investment and want all of our clients to pursue it with as much knowledge as possible. Schedule a consultation to meet with Dr. Lincenberg to learn more about the Atlanta plastic surgery procedures you’re interested in and get a specific quote.
How Much Does Plastic Surgery Cost?
Pricing includes surgeon’s fee, operating room fee, anesthesia fee, all pre- and post-appointments, implants, garments, and nutritional supplements (comfort kit included if surgeon’s fee is over $10,000).
Tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty): $8,500 - $14,000
Panniculectomy: $6,600 - $8,000
Eyelift, upper: $4,400 - $5,000
Eyelift, upper and lower: $7,800 - $8,700
Breast augmentation (saline implants): $5,600 - $6,200
Breast augmentation (silicone implants) : $7,800 - $8,900
Breast lift: $6,700 - $9,000
Breast lift with implants: $9,200 - $11,500
Breast reduction: $8,700 - $10,300
Browlift: $6,000 - $11,300
Chestplasty: $6,700 - $8,500
Cheeklift: $7,000 - $7,900
Chin implant: $5,000 - $6,100
Facelift: $11,500 - $13,300
Facelift/4 lids: $15,500 - $17,800
Facelift/4 lids/browlift: $20,600 - $22,600
Fat graft, face: $3,500 in Office
Fat graft, pectora: $6,300+
Fat graft, to breast: $8,500+
Fat graft, buttocks (Brazilian butt lift): $10,000+
Gynecomastia: $6,300 - $7,100
Labiaplasty: 4,100 - 5,500
Liposuction: $3,500+
Ear pinning: $6,500 - $7,500
Rhinoplasty (nose surgery) $7,500 - $11,400
Thigh lift: $11,500 - $13,000
Transgender mastectomy: $9.000 - $11,500
Tracheal shave: $5,800 - $6,200
Upper arm lift: $8,000 - $10,000
Facial Feminization: Please call our office for pricing information
Most of the prices are range estimates, actual prices will change based on the individual needs of the patient.