So how different are things today from the famous “Roaring 20’s” that began a century ago? It was a time of immense possibilities: the “war to end all wars” (or so everyone thought) was over, the U.S. economy was expanding, and movies and jazz were all the rage. Women could finally vote in this country thanks to the 19th amendment to the constitution, which was ratified in August of 1920. New fashions and designers were emerging, such as France’s Coco Chanel, who popularized the “La Garconne” (boyish) look for modern flappers. Chanel was all about the practical, modern, liberated look for women, one that broke away from the stiff corsets popular during the mid- and late-nineteenth century. Women were becoming free to express themselves in new, unconstrained ways, and it was a revelation.
“La Garconne” was an androgynous look, with short, bobbed hair, dropped waist and fashions that popularized boyish figures. At its core, though, the movement was all about women making choices for themselves.
Fast forward 100 years. Fashions have changed, but the freedom of women to define themselves as they wish has advanced enormously. Part of that freedom is the ability to change fashions, habits, styles, life choices, careers or even physical attributes to match the image they want to project in the world. So what are the primary reasons women choose to have breast surgery?
Let’s start by identifying what’s NOT a good reason for breast surgery. Counting on breast augmentation to increase your beauty or attractiveness diminishes your power now: you are exceptional before surgery, and you will be exceptional after surgery. Breast augmentation should be a choice for you, not an attempt to reach an ideal that represents someone else.
Breast augmentation is valued by hundreds of thousands of women in the US for a variety of reasons. According to, women in three age categories have the majority of breast augmentation procedures, led by women ages 35-50 (46.4% of procedures). That group is followed by women ages 18-24, at 37.2%, and women ages 51-64, at 12.7%. The reasons that members of each group have for choosing surgery are different.
- Proportion and Symmetry: According to a recent article in the UK’s Daily Mail, anywhere from 62% - 82% of women have some asymmetry in their breast sizes, and 25% of women have one breast that is at least one cup size larger than the other. Asymmetry may be natural and incredibly common, but it can bother some women for very good reasons. It may be difficult to get bras and clothes that fit properly. It can lead to self-consciousness. It may make time at the beach or pool less comfortable and free. Breast surgeries can involve not just augmentations or lifts; they can be particularly important in achieving better matching breasts.
In addition to correcting for the variation in size between breasts, some women may be concerned about overall proportions of their breasts as compared to other body characteristics. Your plastic surgeon can help you make the right determination about optimal breast size and overall body balancing.
- Correction Following Life Changes: Breasts can change significantly after pregnancies, leaving some women with a loss of breast volume or with breasts that change their shape after weight loss and breastfeeding. If you are looking to regain your pre-baby body, breast augmentation surgery can play a key role in obtaining the best outcome. Some women also experience successful weight loss in other circumstances or for other reasons, and they may also find benefits in having breast surgery as they adapt to their new size and shape and want their breasts to be better in synch with other body changes.
- Full Realization: For some women, breasts just never seem to develop as fully as they could. As another issue of overall body balance, it is often beneficial to explore breast augmentation options to determine if this type of procedure might be a good choice.
- Turning Back the Clock: We’re all familiar with what time and life can do to our figures. Beginning in the 40s and continuing through the 50s, lower levels of estrogen, less collagen and elasticity and other natural changes can cause breast sagging and a lower overall breast size. Breast augmentation and breast lift surgeries are choices women can make to turn back time in noticeable ways with limited effort and discomfort.
Whatever the reasons for individual women to choose breast augmentation surgery, scientific surveys tell us those who do make the choice are generally very glad that they did. A study published in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal outlined the results of a breast augmentation survey that was completed by 4,011 women (2,273 had received breast implants, and 1,738 were considering the procedure). Here is some of what was learned through the study from those who had breast augmentations:
- 93% of women would recommend breast augmentation to friends or family members
- 92% said the surgery improved their overall appearance
- 82% said the procedure boosted their self-confidence
Here’s another interesting finding from the same study: while most women who had breast augmentation surgeries were pleased with the results, more than half of women thought about having the procedure for three years before they took action. Three years! Why so long? Because it is vital to make the best decision possible about something so important. Having all of your questions answered is the best first step.
If you find yourself thinking now about this important decision, why not have a personal consultation with Dr. Lincenberg to discuss your options and get your questions answered? Zoom or other remote platforms work, so you don’t even need to come into the office to have a socially distant conversation with just you and the doctor to cover every topic. Are you a good candidate? Saline or silicone implants? How invisible will the scar be, and how small? What size breasts are right for you? Should the implant be placed over or under the muscle? How long will recovery take? What steps can you take to heal well after the procedure and maximize the result?
The “Roaring 20s” may have ended a century ago, but this could be the year to start your own amazing decade of personal growth, energy, and excitement. Let’s have a chat and discuss your options soon! Click here to request a consultation today.