The tummy tuck is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures, largely because it can transform an individual's appearance in a way that looks both natural and personal. Have you ever found yourself asking, "Should I get a tummy tuck?" If so, now is the time to begin researching this procedure. This guide will outline things “I wish I knew before my tummy tuck” and will help you make the best decision for yourself at this time.
1. Make Sure Your Surgeon Offers The Best Option for Pain Management
Many patients find themselves asking the surgeon, "How painful is a tummy tuck?" It's important to work with a surgeon who is going to be upfront with you about the discomfort you may experience and offers the latest techniques to numb the pain. The reality of the matter is, the tummy tuck is a major surgical operation, and you will experience significant pain in the days immediately following the procedure. Dr. Lincenberg uses a state-of-the-art technique to block nerve pain in the abdomen. Controlling pain is key to your recovery – it not only manages your discomfort but allows you to get the rest that your body needs, especially that first week.
2. You Won't Be Able to Stand Up Straight Right Away
It’s a “given” that you can't stand up straight after tummy tuck. While this is slightly awkward and uncomfortable, it's a temporary experience. The tummy tuck procedure moves stomach muscles tighter together and removes excess skin from the lower belly and sutures hold that work together. So for the first two or three weeks after your surgery, you may not be able to stand completely straight because your muscles and skin are healing.
3. It's Important to Have Someone to Help You
In the days immediately following your procedure, you will need to prioritize your rest and recovery. You’re not going to be able to do everything you are used to doing those first few weeks. You will especially want to have someone with you the first few days in case you need help getting out of the bed, bathing, preparing meals and other routine activities. Make sure that you share the information your surgeon gives you about follow-up care, such as the best positions to sleep, get out of the bed, etc.
4. Take Advantage of Post-Surgery Comfort Items
In addition to pain management, there are several tools you can get that help manage your recovery. For example, when you are laying on your side during your recovery, your knees are putting pressure on your surgery site. A wedge pillow placed between your knees will relieve that pressure and aid your recovery. A toilet seat riser is another very helpful tool. Those muscles you use to lower and raise yourself to the toilet seat have just been operated on and it will be hard to negotiate getting down to and up from the toilet seat. A riser that brings that seat up higher will be a lifesaver. Dr. Lincenberg’s office offers “Comfort Kits” tailored for the Tummy Tuck to make your recovery smoother.
5. Push Yourself to Move Around During Your Recovery
When you are sore, tired and having a hard time standing up straight, your natural inclination is to stay still. However, movement is critical to your recovery process. Move around a bit more every day, as this will speed up your recovery.
6. Protein Is Important for Recovery
Some patients report that they have a diminished appetite during their recovery, and they do not have a lot of motivation to eat. However, your body still needs nourishment. If you aren't up for a full meal, consider protein shakes as an alternative.
7. Prepare Some Ready-Made Meals in Advance
The first few weeks of your recovery you aren’t going to be as mobile as usual and you will likely be tired by the lingering discomfort. This means that you will not want to prepare meals and cook on a regular basis. Prior to your surgery, consider preparing some meals in advance and freezing them. Focus on simple, nutritious dishes that you can easily heat up and enjoy.
8. You Will Experience Swelling
Swelling is a very normal side effect of the tummy tuck procedure, and most swelling will subside within the first few days and weeks. If you are experiencing swelling around your feet, compression socks can help. Be sure to follow all of your doctor's directions in order to prevent blood clots from forming during your recovery.
9. Have a Shower Chair and Long-Handled Shower Brush on Hand
You may find that standing for your shower or getting in and out of a bathtub will be too difficult during the first week or so of your recovery. By having a shower chair and long-handled shower brush on hand, you will be able to easily bathe on your own in a way that is safe and manageable.
Should I Get a Tummy Tuck?
The tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgery procedure that will eliminate excess skin and fat from your abdominal area as well as tighten the muscles in that region, giving you a trim and slim appearance. You may be a good candidate for the tummy tuck procedure if:
- You are in good physical and emotional health.
- You do not smoke or drink excessively.
- You are having other cosmetic procedures performed and the tummy tuck will complement your post-surgical goals.
- You may still be wondering, "Should I get a tummy tuck?" As you finalize your decision, consider the feedback from other patients who have had a tummy tuck performed by Dr. Sheldon Lincenberg.
What Our Patients Are Saying
"What an amazing experience with pain management and best tummy tuck results. It motivated me even more and I already lost 16 pounds. I am very happy. Thank you Dr. Lincenberg!!" - S.V.
"I really enjoyed my experience with the Doc and the staff. They are all super nice, friendly, and made this process as easy and comfortable as possible. They don’t treat you like a patient but more like family. Thank you for everything and I will most definitely be back to fulfill my other surgical wants and needs." - K. B.
Tummy Tuck Before and After
The Tummy Tuck Photo Gallery as well as the Core Tummy Tuck Photo Gallery will provide you with visual proof of the amazing results that Dr. Lincenberg can provide.
Tummy Tuck Cost in Atlanta
There are a variety of factors that will influence your tummy tuck cost in Atlanta, such as the surgeon's fee, the operating room fee, the anesthesia fee and the fees associated with the supplies required to complete your individual surgery. In general, you will find that a tummy tuck costs anywhere from $8,000 to $14,000. That may seem like a wide range, but your tummy tuck procedure is customized just for you – no two tummy tucks are the same. You also have options for the facility you choose for your procedure.
Most health insurance plans will not cover the costs of the tummy tuck procedure, as it is an elective surgery performed for cosmetic purposes. In order to make this procedure affordable and attainable for all patients who are interested, Dr. Lincenberg offers convenient payment plans for his patients.
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Schedule your tummy tuck consultation in Atlanta with Dr. Lincenberg.